Carlos Alberto Figueiredo Ramos

Figueiredo Ramos received the Mechanical Engineering diploma and the master degree in Industrial Engineering, both from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He received the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, from the University of Beira Interior (Portugal). He is a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (Portugal). His research interests include renewable energies and energy systems.
PhD, Transport Phenomena, Solar Energy, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 2022.
Master, Transport Phenomena, Renewable Energies, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 1996.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.; Alcaso, A. N.: "Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Collectors: A Review"; Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation, Luis M. Camarinha (Editor), 1, 477-484 pp., Springer (978-3-642-11627-8), Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
Moscatiello, C.; Chiara Boccaletti; Alcaso, A. N.; Ramos, C. A. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Trigeneration System Driven by the Geothermal and Solar Sources"; IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 14, No. 13, pp. 2340-2347, October, 2020.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Análise por Termografia de Módulos Termofotovoltaicos"; TMQ - Techniques, Methodologies and Quality, Vol. , No. , pp. 177-192, June, 2020.
Moscatiello, C.; Chiara Boccaletti; Alcaso, A. N.; Ramos, C. A. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Thermalphotovoltaic Panel"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 5753-5759, November / December, 2017.
Saraiva, L. M. G.; Alcaso, A. N.; Vieira, P. A. A.; Ramos, C. A. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Development of a Cloud-Based System for Remote Monitoring of a PVT Panel"; Open Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 291-297, October, 2016.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Thermography Analysis of Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) Solar Collectors"; International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Ischia, Italy, pp. 768-775, June, 2024.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Modelling, Simulation and Experimental Study of a Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Collector (PVT)"; European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 477-489, July, 2023.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Numerical and Experimental Study of a Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) Solar Collector"; International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, Renewable Energy Resources Impact, Terrasini, Italy, pp. 445-451, June, 2023.
Costa, A.; Ramos, C. A. F.; Pitarma, R. A.: "Technological Audit as a Strategy to Improve Products and Services Related to Energy Technologies Applied to Buildings"; International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability , Portalegre, Portugal, pp. , May, 2022.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Tecnologia Solar Híbrida"; XVII Congreso lberico | XIII Congreso lberoamericano de Energia Solar, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1-9, November, 2020.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) Technology: Review and Case Study"; International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems, , Macau, pp. 1/12, July, 2019.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Development of a Test Rig for PVT Monitoring Using Cloud Services"; International Congress on Engineering, Covilhã, Portugal, pp. 1-7, December, 2017.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Alcaso, A. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Análise por termografia de módulos termofotovoltaicos"; Congresso Ibero-americano de Engenharia Mecânica, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, pp. 5, October, 2017.
Moscatiello, C.; Chiara Boccaletti; Alcaso, A. N.; Ramos, C. A. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Thermalphotovoltaic Panel"; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Milwaukee, USA, pp. 1-6, September, 2016.
Alcaso, A. N.; Vieira, P. A. A.; Cardoso, A. J. M.; Ramos, C. A. F.: "Development of a Cloud-Based System for Remote Monitoring of a PVT Panel"; International Conference on Engineering, Covilhã, Portugal, pp. 1-5, December, 2015.
Alcaso, A. N.; Ramos, C. A. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: " Experimental Validation of the Electro-Thermal Model of a PV Panel"; International Conference on Engineering, Covilhã, Portugal, pp. 1-5, November, 2013.
Ramos, C. A. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.; Alcaso, A. N.: "Modeling and Simulation of a Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal Collector"; International Renewable Energy Congress, Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 455-460, December, 2011.
Ramos, C. A. F., "Study of Cork Drying", University of Coimbra, Portugal, 1996.
Ramos, C. A. F., "Numerical and Experimental Study of a Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) Solar Collector", Supervisor: Cardoso, A. J. M., Co-Supervisor: Alcaso, A. N., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2022.