José Miguel Vieira Alberto
José Alberto was born in Coimbra, Portugal. In 2011, he obtained his MSc Degree in Electrical Engineering, Energy branch at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. In 2017, he received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Bologna, Italy, during which time he was a visiting scholar at CIRCE - Research Center for Energy Resources and Consumption in Zaragoza, Spain. Afterwards, he became a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Systems and Robotics at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, an Invited Assistant Professor at University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal and Invited Assistant at the ISEC - Coimbra Institute of Engineering. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University. His research interests include Wireless Power Transfer, Resonator Arrays, Inductive Charging, Fault detection and unbalanced operation of Induction Motors and Linear Motors and Actuators.

Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Alberto, J.; Almeida, A. T.: "Experimental Study on Three-Phase Induction Motor Performance Under Supply Voltage Unbalance for Star and Delta Connections"; Energy Efficiency in Motor Systems - Proceedings of the 11th international Conference EEMODS’19, Paolo Bertoldi (Editor), , 707-717 pp., Springer (978-3-030-69799-0), , , .
Alberto, J.; Brox, J.: "Inverses of k-Toeplitz Matrices with Applications to Resonator Arrays with Multiple Receivers"; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 377, No. , pp. 1-14, July, 2020.
Alberto, J.; Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Almeida, A. T.: "Study of a Linear Actuator with a Hybrid Core Using Sensorless Position Control"; Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, Vol. 305, No. , pp. 1-9, April, 2020.
Alberto, J.; Leal, C.; Fernandes, C.; Lopes, P. A.; Paisana, H.; Almeida, A. T.; Tavakoli, M.: "Fully Untethered Battery-free Biomonitoring Electronic Tattoo with Wireless Energy Harvesting"; Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 1-11, March, 2020.
Alberto, J.; Reggiani, U.; Sandrolini, L.; Albuquerque, H.: "Accurate Calculation of the Power Transfer and Efficiency in Resonator Arrays for Inductive Power Transfer"; Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 83, No. , pp. 61-76, February, 2019.
Alberto, J.; Reggiani, U.; Sandrolini, L.; Albuquerque, H.: "Fast Calculation and Analysis of the Equivalent Impedance of a Wireless Power Transfer System Using an Array of Magnetically Coupled Resonators"; Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 80, No. , pp. 101-112, April, 2018.
Dinis, J. P. M.; Alberto, J.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Adaptative Termination and Control Algorithm for Resonant Arrays Used in Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Vehicle Charging"; IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, Florianópolis, Brazil, pp. 1-4, November, 2023.
Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Alberto, J.; Almeida, A. T.: "Induction Motor Tolerance to Supply Voltage Unbalance for Different Dual-Winding Configurations"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1981-1987, September, 2022.
Dinis, J. P. M.; Alberto, J.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Maximizing Energy Transfer in Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using Maximum Power Point Tracking for In-Motion EV and PHEV Charging"; IEEE/AIAA Transportation Electrification Conference and Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium, Anaheim, USA, pp. 295-299, June, 2022.
Simonazzi, M.; Sandrolini, L.; Campanini, A.; Alberto, J.; Mariscotti, A.: "Center-Fed Resonator Array for Increased Misalignment Tolerance in Automotive Wireless Power Transfer"; IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Palermo, Italy, pp. 775-779, June, 2022.
Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Alberto, J.; Almeida, A. T.: "Induction Motor Shaft-Frame Voltage Analysis"; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 4024-4031, October, 2021.
Alberto, J.; Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Almeida, A. T.: "Experimental Study on the External Shaft Axial Stray Flux in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors"; IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis, Modena, Italy, pp. 254-259, April, 2021.
Silva, A. M.; Alberto, J.; Antunes, C. H.; Ferreira, F. J. T. E.: "A Stochastic Optimization Approach to the Estimation of Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 45-51, August, 2020.
Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Alberto, J.; Silva, A. M.; Almeida, A. T.: "Saturation-Related Losses in Induction Motors for Star and Delta Connection Modes"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1586-1593, August, 2020.
Simonazzi, M.; Sandrolini, L.; Zarri, L.; Reggiani, U.; Alberto, J.: "Model of Misalignment Tolerant Inductive Power Transfer System for EV Charging"; IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 1617-1622, June, 2020.
Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Alberto, J.; Almeida, A. T.: "Voltage Unbalance Impact on Coil-Side Temperature Rise in a Delta-Connected, Dual-Winding Induction Motor"; IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 925-930, February, 2020.
Alberto, J.; Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Almeida, A. T.: "Experimental Analysis of Three-Phase Induction Motors with Multiflux, Dual-Winding Configurations"; Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1046-1051, October, 2019.
Alberto, J.; Ferreira, F. J. T. E.; Almeida, A. T.: "Study and Design of a Small-Diameter Tubular Linear Motor for Biomedical Applications"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Alexandroupoli, Greece, pp. 1691-1697, September, 2018.
Alberto, J.; Puccetti, G.; Reggiani, U.; Sandrolini, L.: "Multilayer Flat Spiral Resonators for Low Frequency Wireless Power Transfer"; IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, Cartagena des Indias, Colombia, pp. 873-876, September, 2018.
Alberto, J.; Reggiani, U.; Sandrolini, L.: "Study of the conducted emissions of an IPT system composed of an array of magnetically coupled resonators"; IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity, Washington, USA, pp. 623-628, August, 2017.
Alberto, J.; Reggiani, U.; Sandrolini, L.: "Circuit model of a resonator array for a WPT system by means of a continued fraction"; IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a Better Tomorrow, Bologna, Italy, pp. 1-6, September, 2016.
Alberto, J.; Reggiani, U.; Sandrolini, L.: "Magnetic near field from an inductive power transfer system using an array of coupled resonators"; Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Shenzhen, China, pp. 876-879, May, 2016.
Alberto, J.; Puccetti, G.; Grandi, G.; Reggiani, U.; Sandrolini, L.: "Experimental study on the termination impedance effects of a resonator array for inductive power transfer in the hundred kHz range"; IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, Boulder, USA, pp. 1-4, May, 2015.