João Paiva Monteiro
João Monteiro holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a MSc in Aerodynamics from the Faculty of Science and Technology of Coimbra University and a PhD in Aeronautics from the University of Beira Interior. His main research interests are related to micro generation energy systems. Currently he is a Professor at the Electromechanics Department of the University of Beira Interior.

Monteiro, J. P.: "Modelação Clássica e por Subdivisão em Rhinoceros 7"; Amazon (978-989-33-3033-3), , , 2022.
Monteiro, J. P.: "Modelação por Superfícies e Híbrida em SolidWorks"; FCA – Editora de Informática, Lda. (978-972-722-912-3), Lisbon, Portugal, 2020.
Lopes, I. P.; Filgueiras, E.; Guerreiro, A. G.; Monteiro, J. P.: "Inclusive Design: Furniture Design for Autism Parents Support"; Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Marcelo M. Soares, Elizabeth Rosenzweig and Aaron Marcus (Editor), 13323, 168-186 pp., Springer (978-3-031-05906-3), Cham, Switzerland, 2022.
Monteiro, J. P.; Páscoa, J. C.; Brójo, F. M. P.: "Simulation of the Aerodynamic Behaviour of a Micro Wind Turbine"; Renewable Energy: Selected Issues, Manuel Pérez-Donsión, Silvano Vergura and Gianpaolo Vitale (Editor), 1, 329-340 pp., Cambridge Scholars Publishing (978-1-4438-8377-1), Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 2016.
Monteiro, J. P.; Costa, J. J. M.; Oliveira, E. P.; Matos, A. P.; Pereira, M. M.; Miranda, A. B.: "Desempenho em Disciplinas de CAD 3D: Associação com Níveis de Raciocínio e Faltas. Que Satisfação em Contexto de Pré e Pós-Pandemia?"; Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1-11, May, 2024.
Monteiro, J. P.; Carrilho, J. A.; Silva, M. C. G.; Miranda, A. B.; Silva, A.: "3D Printed Pressure Anemometers"; 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 172-181, August / September, 2017.
Monteiro, J. P.; Silvestre, M.; Piggott, H.; André, J. C.: "Wind Tunnel Testing of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor and Comparison with Simulations from Two Blade Element Momentum Codes"; Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 123, No. A, pp. 99-106, December, 2013.
Monteiro, J. P.; Rasteiro, M. G.; Barata, J. M.: "An Experimental Investigation On The Relative Roles of Energy Input, Surface Tension and Viscosity on the Break Up of a Liquid Drop"; Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 1193–120, December, 2009.
Monteiro, J. P.; Viegas, D. X.: "On the use of Irwin and Preston wall shear stress probes in turbulent incompressible flows with pressure gradients"; Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 64, No. 64, pp. 15-29, December, 1996.
Monteiro, J. P.; Carrilho, J. A.; Silva, M. C. G.; Miranda, A. B.; Silva, A.: "Design, Manufacture and Testing of 3D Printed Vane Anemometers"; International Congress on Engineering, Covilhã, Portugal, pp. 1-10, December, 2017.
Carrilho, J. A.; Silva, M. C. G.; Miranda, A. B.; Monteiro, J. P.: "Tubo de Pitot para Medição da Velocidade do Ar Obtido por Impressão 3D"; International Conference on Engineering, Covilhã, Portugal, pp. , December, 2015.
Páscoa, J. C.; Brójo, F. M. P.; Monteiro, J. P.: "Numerical Simulation of Magneto-plasma Thrusters for Aerospace Propulsion Using and MHD Formulation"; International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Ericeira, Portugal, pp. 1-6, June / July, 2009.
Monteiro, P.; Páscoa, J. C.; Brójo, F. M. P.; André, J. C.; Monteiro, J. P.: "A Wind Turbine System for Battery Charging"; Conferência de Engenharia - Inovação e Desenvolvimento, Covilhã, Portugal, pp. 6, June, 2009.
Monteiro, J. P.; Páscoa, J. C.; Brójo, F. M. P.: "Simulation of the Aerodynamic Behaviour of a Micro Wind Turbine"; International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1-5, April, 2009.
Monteiro, J. P.: "Ensino de Desenho por Computador em Tempos de Pandemia"; Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. , January, 2021.
Silva, F., "Multifunctional Furniture - Design and Internship Report (in Portuguese)", Supervisor: Paoliello, C., Co-Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2023.
Sousa, V. M., "Urban Furniture Design: Larusdesign (in Portuguese)", Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., Co-Supervisor: Borges, A. N., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2022.
Lopes, I. P., "Development of Children's Furniture for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (in Portuguese)", Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., Co-Supervisor: Guerreiro, A. G., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2022.
Abreu, B. M. B., "Packaging/Display Design at WDRetail Lda (in Portuguese)", Co-Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2021.
Miguel, J. C. T., "Airfoil Improvement on Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Suitable for Local Construction in Underdeveloped Countries", Supervisor: Silvestre, M., Co-Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2019.
Santiago, F., "Study of the Thermal Behavior of a Three-Phase Induction Motor, Under the Presence of Faults", Supervisor: Cardoso, A. J. M., Co-Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2017.
Sales, S., "Analysis of the Thermal/Cooling Performance of Electric Motors (in Portuguese)", Supervisor: Cardoso, A. J. M., Co-Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2016.
Machado, M. J. A., "Design of Rotor Blades for Mini Wind Turbines", Supervisor: Monteiro, J. P., University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2015.
Monteiro, J. P., "O Design Inclusivo na Reabilitação Física. Desenvolvimento de uma Ajuda Técnica”", Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal, 2010.