Ana Carla Vicente Vieira
Ana Vieira received the Electrical Engineering diploma, the MSc degree and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, in the domain of Asset and Maintenance Management, from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 1996, 2004 and 2014, respectively. She was a Teaching Assistant at the Tomar School of Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal. Since 2021, she is an Adjunct Professor at Coimbra Institute of Engineering at the Polytechnic of Coimbra. Her research interests include indoor air quality, energy and maintenance management, maintenance audits, and maintenance strategies in asset management.

Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.; Rao, R. B. K. N.: "COMADEM’07 - Machinery & Process Health Monitoring, Future Trends and Prospects"; Instituto de Telecomunicações (978-98-9-8109-02-6), Coimbra, Portugal, 2007.
Pérez, A. A.; Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "School Buildings Assets - Maintenance Management and Organization for Vertical Transportation Equipments"; Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management, D. Kiritsis, C. Emmanouilidis, A. Koronios and J. Mathew (Editor), , 59-67 pp., Springer (978-1-84996-002-1), London, UK, 2010.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Asset Management of Portuguese Educational Facilities"; Definitions, Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management, J. E. Amadi-Echendu, K. Brown, R. Willet and J. Mathew (Editor), , 277-295 pp., Springer (978-1-84996-177-6), London, UK, 2010.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Asset Management Characterization of the Portuguese Secondary School Buildings"; Engineering Asset Management, J. Mathew, J. Kennedy, L. Ma, A. Tan and D. Anderson (Editor), , 659-669 pp., Springer (978-1-84628-814-2), London, UK, 2006.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Maintenance Audit and Some Maintenance Management Improvements - A School Building Case Study"; International Journal of COMADEM, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 47-57, July, 2013.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "The Role of Information Logistics and Data Warehousing in Educational Facilities Asset Management"; International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 229-238, September, 2010.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Chaves, F.: "Energy Efficiency and Maintenance Constraints when Considering the Indoor Air Quality of an Educational Building – Case Study"; The UNIfied Conference of DAMAS, IncoME and TEPEN Conferences, Huddersfield, UK, pp. , August / September, 2023.
Chaves, F.; Vieira, A. C. V.; Antunes, J. M.; Coelho, C. C.: "Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency Constraints - Case Study for an Educational Building"; IAHS World Congress on Housing: Sustainable Housing Construction, Albufeira, Portugal, pp. 1-10, September, 2016.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Garcia, J.; Chaves, F.; Fonseca, N.; Caetano, J.: "Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency Constraints - Case Study for Public Health Care Building"; IAHS World Congress on Housing: Sustainable Housing Construction, Albufeira, Portugal, pp. 1-11, September, 2016.
Chaves, F.; Vieira, A. C. V.; Antunes, J. M.; Coelho, C. C.: "Simulação do Escoamento do Ar e Distribuição de Temperatura numa Sala de uma Unidade Industrial"; VIII Iberian Congress | VI Ibero-American Congresso on Refrigeration Sciences and Technologies, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1-7, May, 2016.
Chaves, F.; Vieira, A. C. V.; Antunes, J. M.; Coelho, C. C.: "Análise das Condições de Conforto Térmico e Qualidade do Ar no Interior de uma Sala de uma Unidade Industrial"; VIII Iberian Congress | VI Ibero-American Congresso on Refrigeration Sciences and Technologies, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1-8, May, 2016.
Vieira, A. C. V.: "Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in an Educational Building – Case Study"; IAHS World Congress on Housing: Sustainable Housing Construction, Funchal, Portugal, pp. 10, December, 2014.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Maintenance Conceptual Models and their Relevance in the Development of Maintenance Auditing Tools for School Buildings' Assets - An Overview"; Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 3-10, September, 2014.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "The Role of Information Logistics and Data Warehousing in Educational Facilities Asset Management"; International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance, Luleå, Sweden, pp. 205-211, June, 2010.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Facilities Asset Management in Portuguese Universities - The Case of the University of Coimbra"; International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Luleå, Sweden, pp. 209-218, June, 2006.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Maintenance Requirements of a School Building and its Influence on the Maintenance Program"; International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Cambridge, UK, pp. 533-542, August, 2004.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Some Improvements on the Maintenance Management of a School Building as the Result of a Maintenance Management Audit"; European Maintenance Congress, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 71-78, May, 2004.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Maintenance Audit of a School Building"; International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Växjö, Sweden, pp. 79-87, August, 2003.
Janeiro, R.; Raposo, H.; Vieira, A. C. V.; Farinha, J. T.: "Proposta Metodológica para a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida de um Acelerador Linear em Contexto Hospitalar"; Congresso Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão de Activos, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. , May, 2022.
Nunes, I.; Gomes, P.; Vieira, A. C. V.; Raposo, H.; Farinha, J. T.: "Implementação da Filosofia Kaizen e Análise do Custo do Ciclo de Vida de um Ativo Físico na Gyptec Ibérica - Gessos Técnicos S.A."; Congresso Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão de Activos, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. , May, 2022.
Pérez, A. A.; Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Organização e Gestão da Manutenção de Elementos Contra Incêndios em Edifícios Escolares"; Congresso Nacional de Manutenção, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, pp. 14, November, 2009.
Vieira, A. C. V.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Organização e Gestão da Manutenção de Instituições de Ensino"; Congresso Nacional de Manutenção, Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 1-12, November, 2005.
Conceição, J. L. F., "LIPRONERG: Projecto e Consultadoria Energética, Lda.", Supervisor: Vieira, A. C. V., Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal, 2017.
Reis, A. F. O., "Energy Auditing to Tuboplan Company", Supervisor: Vieira, A. C. V., Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal, 2016.
Pereira, C. B., "Water, Gas and Electricity Audit of the Estabelecimento Prisional de Lisboa (in Portuguese)", Co-Supervisor: Vieira, A. C. V., Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal, 2015.
Garcia, J., "Maintenance Management of the Nossa Senhora da Graça Hospital", Supervisor: Vieira, A. C. V., Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal, 2015.
Correia, J., "Maintenance of the Electric Facilities at Matelmor", Supervisor: Vieira, A. C. V., Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal, 2015.
Vieira, A. C. V., "Maintenance Management and Organization of Educational Facilities (in Portuguese)", Supervisor: Cardoso, A. J. M., University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2014.