Ângela Paula Barbosa da Silva Ferreira

Ângela Ferreira received the Electrical and Computer Engineering Diploma, the MSc and PhD degrees from Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal, in 1996, 2001 and 2012, respectively. Her research interests are focused on design and modelling of novel permanent magnet machines and optimization of energy conversion systems using renewable energy sources. She has been with Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, at the Department of Electrical Engineering, since 1997. Her teaching activities are in the scientific areas of Electrical and Fundamental Sciences, Electrical Machines and Power Systems.
Ph.D., Electrical Enginnering, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2012.
M.Sc., Electrical Enginnering, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2001.
Callejo, L. H.; Cañón, C. Z.; Nesmachnow, S.; Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Prieto, J.: "Ciudades Inteligentes Totalmente Integrales, Eficientes y Sostenibles - I Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities"; Universidad Santiago de Cali (978-958-5522-51-0), Cali, Colombia, 2018.
Leite, A. V.; Pereira, A. I.; Ferreira, A. P.; Gonçalves, A. J.; Almeida, J. P.; Rolle, J. L. C.; Feliciano, M. J.; Soares, O. M.; Boloy, R. A.: "III Congresso Ibero-Americano de Empreendedorismo, Energia, Ambiente e Tecnologia: Livro de Atas"; Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (978-972-745-230-9), Bragança, Portugal, 2017.
Vaz, C. B.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Measuring Technical Efficiency of European Countries using Data Envelopment Analysis"; Assessment Methodologies: Energy, Mobility and Other Real World Application, P. Godinho and J. Dias (Editor), 1, 17-32 pp., Coimbra University Press (978-989-26-1038-2), Coimbra, Portugal, 2015.
Vaz, C. B.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Efficiency and Productivity Assessment of Wind Farms"; Operational Research, J. P. Almeida, J. F. Oliveira and A. A. Pinto (Editor), 4, 407-424 pp., Springer International Publishing (978-3-319-20327-0), Cham, Switzerland, 2015.
Fernandes, P. O.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Probabilistic Clustering of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Using Classification Models"; Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2015, O. Gervasi, B. Murgante, S. Misra, M. L. Gavrilova, A. M. A. C. Rocha, C. Torre, D. Taniar & B. O. A (Editor), 1, 549-560 pp., Springer International Publishing (978-3-319-21406-1), Cham, Switzerland, 2015.
Ferreira, A. P.; Costa, A. F.: "Projeto e Seleção de Materiais Magnéticos Permanentes"; E-LP Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-21, May, 2011.
Ferreira, A. P.; Costa, A. F.: "Materiais Magnéticos Permanentes"; Revista Egitania Sciencia, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 175-198, May, 2011.
Ramos, J.; Ferreira, A. P.; Fernandes, P. O.: "Structural Analysis, Modelling and Forecasting of Electricity Prices of the Iberian Electricity Market"; Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities, Soria, Spain, pp. , September, 2018.
Silva, M.; Leite, A. V.; Araujo, P.; Simões, A.; Dalmarco, I.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Designing Innovative Home Energy Systems for Smart Cities: The SilkHouse Project"; Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities, Soria, Spain, pp. , September, 2018.
Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Couto, J.; Batista, J.: "Abordagens para a Ligação à Rede de Sistemas Pico-Hidroelétricos"; Congresso Ibero-Americano de Empreendedorismo, Energia, Meio Ambiente e Tecnologia, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, pp. , November, 2016.
Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Couto, J.; Batista, J.: "Pico-Hydro Systems: Microgrid-Connection Approaches"; Congreso Iberoamericano Sobre Microrredes con Generación Distribuida de Renovables, Concepción, Chile, pp. , October, 2016.
Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Couto, J.; Batista, J.: "Compatibility Analysis of Grid-connected Pico-hydro Systems using Conventional Photovoltaic"; European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1- 9, September, 2016.
Leite, A. V.; Couto, J.; Ferreira, A. P.; Batista, J.: "A Practical Approach for Grid-Connected Pico-Hydro Systems using Conventional Photovoltaic Inverters"; IEEE International Energy Conference, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 1-6, April, 2016.
Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Batista, J.; Couto, J.: "Analysis of the Operation of a Microgrid with Renewable Distributed Generation"; Congreso Iberoamericano Sobre Microrredes con Generación Distribuida de Renovables, Liberia, Costa Rica, pp. , December, 2015.
Ferreira, A. P.; Leite, A. V.; Costa, A. F.: "Comprehensive Analysis and Evaluation of Cogging Torque in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Guarda, Portugal, pp. 435-440, September, 2015.
Ferreira, A. P.: "Performance Comparison of Wind Energy Conversion System Technologies"; International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, Renewable Energy Resources Impact, Sicily, Italy, pp. , June, 2015.
Ferreira, A.; Ferreira, A. P.; Cardin, O.; Leitão, P.: "Extension of Holonic Paradigm to Smart Grids"; IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing, Ottawa, Canada, pp. , May, 2015.
Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Batista, J.: "Improving the Storage Capability of a Microgrid with a Vehicle-to-Grid Interface"; Congreso Iberoamericano Sobre Microrredes con Generación Distribuida de Renovables, Soria, Spain, pp. , October, 2014.
Vaz, C. B.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Efficiency Assessment of Wind Farms: a Two-stage Approach"; International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, pp. , September, 2014.
Ferreira, A. P.; Costa, A. F.: "Electromagnetic Finite Element Design of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines for Low Speed Applications"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Berlin, Germany, pp. , September, 2014.
Fernandes, P. O.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Pattern Aggregation of Wind Energy Conversion Technologies Using Clustering Analysis"; International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, pp. , June / July, 2014.
Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Batista, J.: "Bidirectional Vehicle-to-Grid Interface under a Microgrid Project"; IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling Power Electronics, Santander, Spain, pp. , June, 2014.
Fernandes, P. O.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Wind Farms Model Aggregation Using Probabilistic Clustering"; International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, pp. , September, 2013.
Leite, A. V.; Ferreira, A. P.; Batista, J.: "On the Implementation of a Microgrid Project with Renewable Distributed Generation"; Congreso Iberoamericano Sobre Microrredes con Generación Distribuida de Renovables, Soria, Spain, pp. , September, 2013.
Ferreira, A. P.; Costa, A. F.: "Thermal Analysis of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Marseille, France, pp. 1482-1487, September, 2012.
Leite, A. V.; Figueiredo, T.; Pinheiro, T.; Ferreira, A. P.; Batista, J.: "Dealing with the Very Small: First Steps of a Picohydro Demonstration Project in an University Campus"; International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Santiago Compostela, Spain, pp. 6, March, 2012.
Ferreira, A. P.; Costa, A. F.: "Efficient Pole-Arc Coefficients for Maximum No Load Flux Linkage in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Bologna, Italy, pp. 5, September, 2011.
Ferreira, A. P.; Costa, A. F.: "Direct Driven Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for Small-Scale Wind Power Applications"; International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Las Palmas de Gran C, Spain, pp. 6, April, 2011.
Vaz, C. B.; Ferreira, A. P.: "Framework for Performance Assessment of Wind Farms"; Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Bragança, Portugal, pp. , June, 2013.
Araujo, P., "Experimental Platform for Emulation of Grid-Connected Pico-hydro Systems", Supervisor: Leite, A. V., Co-Supervisor: Ferreira, A. P., Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 2018.
Roman, D., "Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems Based on Standard Components", Supervisor: Leite, A. V., Co-Supervisor: Ferreira, A. P., Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 2018.
Tangerino, B., "Power Converters Control for Photovoltaic Water Pumping System", Supervisor: Leite, A. V., Co-Supervisor: Ferreira, A. P., Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 2018.
Leme, C. R. R. P., "Evaluation of Conservation Voltage Regulation Techniques in Smart Microgrids", Supervisor: Ferreira, A. P., Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 2017.
Tarakhchyan, S., "The Development Ways of Renewable Energy: the Economic and Financial Performance of Firms in this Sector in Armenia and OECD Countries", Supervisor: Ferreira, A. P., Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 2017.
Brito, K., "Emulation Platform to Connect Electric Generators to the Grid by Using Photovoltaic Inverters (in Portuguese)", Supervisor: Leite, A. V., Co-Supervisor: Ferreira, A. P., Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 2016.
Couto, J., "Development of an Interface for the Connection of Various Renewable Energy Sources to the Grid (in Portuguese)", Supervisor: Leite, A. V., Co-Supervisor: Ferreira, A. P., Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 2015.